
I’ll be posting any resources on technology integration ideas that I find on this blog. Please check back to see what’s up and for some ideas on how to use iPads in instruction among other things.

If you know of any resources that you’d like to share with other teachers, please email them to me so that I can post it online to share.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Intro to Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0? 
Check out this video…

University 2.0 – Sebastian Thrun

Presentation on flipped instruction

Swimming with tech tools.

There are so many new and interesting technology tools that we can use in instruction. Web 2.0 resources…online digital media that can be streamed or downloaded…iPads…iPods….oh, and all of the apps on the iPads or iPods. Why use that technology tool? What do you want the students to be able to understand at the end of the day (and I don’t mean know how to create a PowerPoint presentation)? How does that technology tool facilitate the learning process? These are the questions that I ask the teachers in my school.